Class Notes: April 07, 2024

Class today: Recited Gita Dhyanam.

Other planned objective for the class was to finalize plan for Annual day on May 19th. One student came with a format for an interactive BG quiz competition and rest of the class seemed to like that, besides providing some ideas to refine the proposal. Unless anyone suggests something this different this week, we will stay with the quiz competition. Suggestions are still welcome…

Also, for the quiz, asked each student to submit by blog ‘feedback’ link or SVTSenior email during the week, four questions for the quiz.

Next week: Verses 60 and 61 of chapter 2. Sitah Pragyan can be broken into part. The first part are knowing the characterstics of such a person. That is in verses 55-58. From verse 59, it says how to become one such person who not only has the knowledge, but consistently applies it.